Are You Coachable?

Use the end of December to recharge...

Use the holiday to breathe…

We’re almost there – last minute shopping, Christmas concerts, and parties to attend.  If you celebrate Hanukkah, you’ve lit your last candle, yet many of my Jewish friends say it’s hard to avoid getting caught up in the holiday chaos.  Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, most of us find that our US employers slow down significantly during the last eight to ten days in December and the first few days in January. 

Take advantage of this natural pause.  Take time off if you have available vacation days; if you can’t take time off, use your work time to get caught up on a few enjoyable projects and reconnect with colleagues with an extended lunch. 

Regardless of where you spend these days, DON’T fill them with countless activities or a mile-long “to do list” that leaves you exhausted rather than refreshed.  If you’ve taken time off, reconnect with a friend or two – not everyone you’ve lost track of over the year.  Spend some time at the gym, get in an extra-long workout if you’ve been too rushed to finish the exercises you enjoy the most, and then use the gym time to jumpstart your healthy living effort in the new year. 

Take a walk, meditate, practice yoga in your home, sleep in.  The point is that America slows down during the last eight days of December – and so should you!  Enjoy your recharge. 

Janet Polach1 Comment